Broadrake Bunkbarn - Week 9 Days 40-44 8th-12th Dec 2014

This week has seen the first of the winter weather - snow just on the tops on Monday, but at ground level by Friday. In between, heavy hail showers and strong winds....
Work focused on the washroom re-build, widening of the old original doorway and more underpinning on the east gable end externally and internally

 Day 40 & front wall rises......

....old lintels from original doorway are removed - an old original stone gate post
and wooden central part now quite rotten......definitely don't meet building regs....

internal lintel and new brickwork in place

Day 41 new front doorway

and external lintel and brickwork now in place on original entrance doorway

Work continued through wet, very cold and windy days....steel beam now back in place

By Friday this week, more serious snow

 but builders made it to site after several attempts to get up the icy steep slope on Philpin Lane

 rafters now re-instated

original doorway now widened externally

and also all finished internally

More underpinning on east gable end - externally

and internally

and late afternoon sunshine on snowy fields across to viaduct to end Week 9
